The Empirical Economics Letters

A Monthly International Journal of Economics


ISSN 1681-8997


Indexed in EconLit and included in Cabell's Directory



               Volume 18                                     Number 9                                           September 2019


Do Saudi Students Abroad Bring Home Human Capital and Contribute to the Saudi Economy?

Yasuo Nishiyama



Women Empowerment through Home Based Businesses: A Case Study of District Abbottabad, Pakistan

Ayesha Ahmad, Shumaila Sadiq, Sardar Fawad Saleem and Abdul Saboor



Revisiting the Drivers of Innovation: A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis

Sakshi Malik



Relationship between Real Price Variability and Inflation in Brazil: Functional Form and Stability since Plano Real

Fabrício Linhares



A Simple Methodological Approach to Investigate the Economic and Demographic Impacts of Payday Lending

Matiur Rahman, Musa Essayyad and William B. Galose



Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation in India

Amalanathan Paul and Palamalai Srinivasan



Sensitivity of Emerging Market Bond Fund Flows to US Monetary Stance and Global Risk Aversion

David Leung, Jiayue Zhang and Alfred Wong



Does Corruption Affect Consumer Confidence?

A. F. G. Almeida and G. C. Montes



Comparative Performance Evaluation of Regional Rural Banks: A Study of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India

Satish Chandra Tiwari, Kishan Jee, T. Sitaramiah and Neeraj Kumar



Tourism and Economic growth in the ASEAN: Evidence Using Panel Data

Mousumi Bhattacharya and Sharad Nath Bhattacharya







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