The Empirical Economics Letters

A Monthly International Journal of Economics

ISSN 1681- 8997 

Indexed in EconLit and included in Cabell’s Directory



Volume 8          Number 12         December  2009


Hervé Queneau and Amit Sen

Empirical Evidence Regarding Gender Unemployment Gap Persistence across Countries



Wo-Chiang Lee and Chien-Chung Nieh

Modeling and Estimating the Tail Parameters of Automobile Physical Damage Loss Severity Distribution



Masafumi Kozuka

Consumers’ Behavior in the United States and the Stability of Preference Parameter



Dierk Herzer

Outward FDI and Domestic Output in Japan



Yi-Shuan Chen and Shin-Herng Michelle Chu

Information Content of Stock Recommendation Revisions and Target Price Changes in Security Analyst Reports – A Study of Taiwan’s Equity Market



Sunil Sapra

Robust versus Classical Factor Analysis in the Presence of Outliers



Antonis A. Michis

Efficient Estimation of the AR Parameters of ARMA Models with Wavelet Instruments



Wei-Hua Tian, Chin-Shyan Chen and Tsai-Ching Liu

Effect of Implementing the National Health Insurance in Taiwan on Purchases of Private Health Insurance



Enzo Weber

Simultaneous Causality in International Trade



Nidhal Mgadmi, Chrigui Zouhair And Younes Boujelbene

Money Demand Instability in Tunisia



Ana Isabel Martínez-Senra, Maria Soledad Otero-Giráldez and Carmen Otero-Neira

R & D Expenditure and Exports: A Causality Analysis in Spain



I-Chun Tsai and Chien-Wen Peng    

Income Skewness, House Price and Variation on Housing Affordability




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